Pixelboy’s Wheat

My fav Wheat/Hoegaarden requires some fiddling but its easy mate…

  1. Thomas Coopers Brewmaster Selection WHEAT BEER
  2. Thomas Coopers Wheat Extract 1.5kg
  3. Rind from 2 Oranges
  4. 15gms (one pack) Corriander Seeds


  1. Take the rind of the Orange’s being carefull not to get any of the pith (soft white part). You can use a fine cheese grater.
  2. Crush the corriander seeds
  3. Empty contents of the Malt Wheat Extract, the orange rind and crushed corriander seeds into LARGE clean saucepan and add a litre or two of water. Stir and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stiring occasionally, for 20mins.
  4. Strain contents into a sterilised fermenter with the contents of the beer can.
  5. Top up with cold water (or hot) to 23litres stiring well trying to get it to about 22c-26c then pitch yeast.
  6. Give it 2 weeks @ 20c and rack or bottle.

Its a ripper! Was my 3rd brew and I havent matched it yet. Ill be doing exactly the same when I return from NZ in a fortnight.

Trust me.. Its not that hard… and it will taste great.

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