1.7kg tin Morgan’s Iron Bark dark ale
1.5kg tin Coopers liquid wheat malt
100g Carafa Special I
150g JW Crystal
10g Saaz, 3.3%AA at 5 minutes
10g Summer, 5.5%AA at 5 minutes
10g Summer, 5.5%AA at flameout
Kit yeast
Grains steeped, then rinsed in hot water. Boil volume 4L, with 500g of the liquid wheat malt. Remaining extract and kit added to fermenter with 1.7L boiling water, then boil liquor strained into fermenter. Topped to 23L, kit yeast pitched immediately.
2014-01-04: racked into 19L keg. Remaining 4L bulk primed at 6g/L of sucrose and bottled.