Author Archives: rwh

Scripting class questions 1

Loops 1. using wget or curl, and a for loop, download all of the following images: 2. using a loop, backticks (`) and the basename command, rename all of the images, adding “(modified)” to their filenames 3. using a loop, … Continue reading

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Resizing a VirtualBox Hard Drive HOWTO

Update: There’s another method here that skips the use of clonezilla and does everything with gparted: Re-sizing a VirtualBox Virtual Disk Image File VirtualBox doesn’t currently offer any tools for directly resizing a hard drive image (VDI). This method, using … Continue reading

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Bash Guide for Beginners, chapter 4 solutions

Solutions to: 1. grep bash /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1grep bash /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 2. grep "^daemon" /etc/groupgrep "^daemon" /etc/group 3. grep –invert-match "^daemon" /etc/groupgrep –invert-match "^daemon" /etc/group 4. info with line numbers: grep -n localhost /etc/hostsgrep … Continue reading

Posted in answers, scripting | 3 Comments

Banana Bread Recipe

125g butter 1 cup sugar (I use half white half dark brown) 1 egg 3 ripe bananas 1.5 cups flour (half wholemeal, half white) 1 tsp baking soda (bicarb soda) 3 tbsps milk beat butter and sugar until creamy add … Continue reading

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How to change a headlight bulb on the Honda Varadero XL125V

I couldn’t find any info on this on the internet, and the French version of the user manual doesn’t have any info on this simple task either, so once I worked it out I figured I might as well post … Continue reading

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Monet’s Lilly Pond

IMG_4848, originally uploaded by Rob Hutton. Our day at Monet’s garden was interesting. Up as early as we could from the beautiful Gîte, and an hours’ walk from Vernon over to Giverny. On our walk though, seven coaches full of … Continue reading

Posted in Europe | 1 Comment


For some time now, I’ve been working on bits of OpenStreetMap.  For those who don’t know, it’s like a fusion of Wikipedia and Google Maps, where all the of the map data is intended to be freely available (currently under … Continue reading

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TempMate HOWTO

I just got a query based on my earlier FridgeMate HOWTO.  Adam asks how to wire up one of these TempMates from CraftBrewer, so I worked up a wiring diagram based on that from the FridgeMate.  If you have any … Continue reading

Posted in HOWTOs | 1 Comment

Extended battery pack for the Openmoko Neo Freerunner

Recently I bought myself an OpenMoko Neo FreeRunner phone.  It’s a lovely little smartphone that runs Linux, and it is special in that the manufacturer (FIC) has gone to extreme lengths to ensure that all the hardware is open (that … Continue reading

Posted in OpenMoko | 3 Comments

Another one of Gemma’s questionaires

Pinched off Gemma! The Basics Hair Color: brown Eye Color: brown Height: 178cm, 5’11” Profession: Information Technology Officer Relationship Status: steady partner Religious Views: atheist My Favorites Favourite Colour: red Favourite Movie: Blade Runner, the Director’s Cut Favourite Hobby: Brewing … Continue reading

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